My OCD is in full throttle mode. I have become obsessed with Christmas Samplers. After making my decision to add a Christmas sampler to the holiday decorating festivities at Thistle Manor, I never realized there are so many wonderful Christmas sampler designs on the market. Typical me, why limit myself to choosing just one with the wonderful selection available. Let's start with the Scarlet Letter:

Mary Ann Hutton

Emma Miles with her lovely holly band.
Melinda from
Merry Wind Farm will be stitching an out of print chart by the Scarlet Letter called Christmas Samplers.

Isabella Fox 1827. I discovered Isabella while reading Attic Needlework's newsletter. The reds and greens in this sampler just scream Christmas, the Tree of Life reminds me of a feather tree, and Adam and Eve are just a bonus of extra goodness.

Christmas at Hollyberry Farm by Stacy Nash. While I was obsessing about the samplers, Stacy Nash revealed this over the top sampler on her blog. I love everything about this sampler: the border, the snow birds on the roof, a CAT, the girl wearing her new red Christmas dress. Isn't the way Stacy framed this sampler unique?

Merry Christmas by Blackbird Designs. To feed my OCD, I stopped at my LNS and picked up this design. It is very simple and small. Famous last Betty words:
this should not take long. The Blackbird girls stitched their Merry Christmas in overdyed fibers. I will be stitching with NPI silks.
Now. . . that I have fed my OCD Christmas sampler obsession, I need more help from my blogging-stitching friends. I have decided to stitch Hannah Breed as part of Nicola's Red Letter Year with the Scarlet Letter. I will be using Au Ver A Soie embroidery floss but am totally undecided about the linen. Help, please, I need linen suggestions both color and thread count.

Hannah Breed (Red Letter Year Selection)