Saturday, August 3, 2024

Gathering Together

Gathering Together Pinkeep
Scattered Seed
Stitched with called for DMC fibers one strand over two on 36 count linen

French General fabric stolen from (Old, old, old) uncompleted kit.  Not enough to finish the Pinkeep, but colors are perfect.  Help a girl out if you know this line of French General fabric.  

Where have I been and what have I been doing?  This very neglected blog would indicate I have disappeared, not so.  I started teaching a Strength and Fitness class to seniors at Fifty Forward Center three days a week.  My brother and I (mostly him) have been doing repairs to a barn on our farm.  I declared war on the not so dear deer.  They eat my roses just as they are beginning to bloom and the raised vegetable garden they consider their personal garden.  For those keeping score, the deer are winning.  Lucy (the cat) has been in training for the cat Olympics.  Her events are speed shedding and wake-me-up-at-three a.m.  My long arm quilter, Primary Care Physician, Dentist and Ophthalmologist have all retired which has kept me busy on a search for replacements.  The cicadas, heat, rain and neglect have left my yard in a very neglected state.  Whew!  Still stitching from stash and loving every discovery of older designs and projects.  Give a girl a break, bog has been neglected but girl is super busy. 



  1. What a pretty one! No help on the fabric, sorry! It sounds like you have been busy with life in general. Hope things settle a bit for you in August.

  2. Break you need to give yourself one. I laughed at your post - especially when I got to the part about Lucy's talents. I can related to much of what you've written...especially with the "retiring" medical professionals. I have to deal with many specialists and it seems that they are all retiring - or, more often the case, have just left our area. The medical clinic I go to is like a morgue these days. Entire departments permanently closed (rheumatology, oncology, ob/gyn, etc.) After much effort, I am connected with a new provider and, in several cases, they leave before I even have my first appt with them. What is going on???! (Don't tell me, I'm thinking I don't want to know.) And my battle is with the rabbits, not the deer but those little sheisters are just as destructive when they come at you en masse as they have here. Love your little pinkeep....Tammy's patterns are wonderful. Wish I could help you out on the French General fabric, but don't have a clue. Wishing you luck!

  3. Argh. I posted a comment and I do not see it. Do you have comment moderation on? I didn't see an indication of that.

  4. Oh, so my comment vanished in to thin air bc the second one published. I will try again...a condensed version.
    Lovely stitch. Gorgeous colors.
    I have not one kind words to say about deer. Giant rats.
    So happy no cicadas this far north.
    Oh how I would love your strength and fitness class. This old body is not aging well ;-( I really should see if I can find one.
    Good luck finding new providers. Not fun at all.
    Keep on stitching. We love seeing what you are working on.

  5. Thanks for the laugh about Lucy. Not sure you appreciate her early wake up call though. I am also stitching a Scattered Seed pattern called Little Pear Pinkeep. Looks kind of similar to yours. Glad you are back to blogging. Janice

  6. That cross-stitch is so beautiful! And the French General fabric is a perfect match. Wish I had some of it that I could pass along to you.
    Sounds like you are having a crazy, hectic summer--especially with a cat training for the Olympics. ;)
