There comes a time in a girl's life when retail therapy is the cure for her ailment. The Nashville Needlework Market was four days after my eye surgery and this put a damper on the market for me. However; I have had time to surf the web, read sites, look at postings and photographs and take advantage of some sales. Whoo Who! The excitement and enthusiasm of the Needlework Market always seems to bring out the best in the designers and this year was no exception--so many wonderful, awesome designs, new linens and fibers.
It's official--I'm in countdown mode. Next Wednesday, May 14 is eye surgery #2. To keep my mind off the surgery, the details, and the recovery, I have had to find ways to keep my mind occupied to keep from obsessing and playing the "what if" game! I have no favorite designer--I have many favorite designers. There will always be a special place in my stitching heart for samplers and there is also room for seasonal designs (Christmas, Easter/Spring, Patriotic, Fall/Halloween) primitives and folk art. I have a big heart for needlework. Some women, like Carrie Bradshaw of Sex in the City fame had a passion for shoes. I have a passion for needlework and can shop with the best.

In the booklet, Vintage Inspiration, the Blackbird girls write: "I am attracted to antique and vintage samplers. Each has a tale to tell, each has something that catches the eye." The Scarlet Letters sampler from the Vintage Inspiration booklet certainly caught my eye.
Rosy Morning
Loose Feathers
Abededarian Series--Nine
What caught my eye? The funky pomengrates and rectangular shape.
Wrought by my Hand by Pinebery Lane was quickly dropped into my shopping cart. The sampler is stitched on Weeks Confederate Grey, which is one of my favorite linens and I love the primitive simplicity of this sampler.
Nikyscreations has started a monthly series called the animals. The rabbit seemed perfect for spring. Love the primitive design and so creative displaying on a pretty piece of china.
Samplers Not Forgotten is a new to me designer. The beautiful border and oversized flowers of the Mary Shepherd sampler are what drew me to this sampler. In reading the instructions for this sampler, I fear it might be above my skill level.
Who could resist Nan Lewis and the Beggers? Not me. Another Begger has joined the group--Beggers Fourth.
Spring must be on my mind and Brenda Gervais got my attention with her Easter Parade design. A big old rabbit making his entrance on an Easter chick with a red tulip in his hand just screams whimsy and spring.

Emilia Poole with her sewing basket and journal jumped into my shopping cart. Oh, the colors, the linen (Weeks Dye Works, Dolphin), the primitive. Emilia will most likely get slightly modified to Great Great Grandmother's name: Elizabeth.
There are a couple of designs enroute: Birdy Stitching Roll by La D Da and Mary Cotton by Kathy Barrick. With all these wonderful new designs added to my stash, it is now time to shop for some fibers. Shhhh, don't tell Miss Callie Mae.
Am hopeful surgery #2 will be less involved than surgery #1 and the recovery time will be shorter. The surgeon has said there should be a gradual improvement in my vision (might take 12 months). I have many great projects in my needlework stash to give me motivation to work toward recovery.