Since I have been drawing heavily from the fabric stash and there have been some great sales, I thought I would do my part to help stimulate the economy and restock my stash.
Pictured are The Sampler House and December Word Play by Country Stitches. (Not pictured is February Word Play and Home Sweet Home Sampler by Pineberry Lane)
This is Springology by the Triology. Shepherds Bush has a great sheep stitched from this leaflet. Also pictured is Blackbirds Loose Feathers Spring 2013 with the Agnes Platt Strawberry sampler.

The sheep from Shepherds Bush
Amaryllis Artworks is a new to me designer, the Quaker ball has twelve different Quaker motifs and is finished in a most interesting way.
A dear friend gifted me with The Hart Lives Where it Loves by the Scarlet-Letter. If you haven't seen
Margaret's beautifully stitched Hart anniversary sampler, pop over to her blog. Her sampler is exquisite and that sneaky rabbit is over the top!

35 ct Confederate Gray by Weeks
30 Ct Old Salem Linen by The Primitive Hare
What's a great design without a great piece of linen? Confederate Gray by
Weeks and 30 ct Old Salem by The
Primitive Hare.
A girl can never have to many scissors and with these on sale at 40% it was the perfect time to add to the Gingher series. The other scissors in the drawer were getting lonely.
With the making of the Patriotic red, white and blue quilt, I have greatly reduced my fabric stash. These fabrics are from Minnick and Simpson's line called Indigo Crossing.
A visit to the quilt shop does not seem complete without the addition of some Jo Morton fabric.
Charm Packs are so useful with quilting and finishing to add interest and variety. The tiny tumbler will be used to make a miniature patriotic quilt from the
Rogue quilter. Whozer that template is tiny.
As I was restocking my stash, I noticed I have some duplicate charts. Gulp! Yes, there are some designs and designs I like so much I have been known to purchase duplicate charts. In the spirit of sharing, it seems a fitting time for a drawing. If you would like to be entered for the drawing to win the Carriage House Samplings Friendship Sampler chart, please leave a comment. (If you want your name entered twice, become a follower of my blog). AppleJack and Miss Callie Mae will draw the winner on Monday.