Saturday, March 2, 2013

With a Light Dusting

While AppleJack, Miss Callie Mae and me were sleeping last night, it snowed!  Well sorta, remember snow in Music City is a relative term.  This is the helleborus (Lenten Rose) dusted with snow.  Such a hardy plant, blooming with the cold temps.

Looks like Mother Nature has given Miss Lenten Rose a dusting of confectioners sugar.

The faithful, bright yellow daffodils can also withstand the cold temps.  These beautiful flowers greet me each evening.  Enough to make this gardeners heart smile.

Last weekend, I made my first of many trips to the gardening center to purchase mulch, rose spray and fertilizer.  Left over leaves were raked, perennial beds were cleaned, mulch applied, roses sprayed and this weekend snow.  Gardening is challenging, Mother Nature has her own ways.  Gardening keeps me humble.

Since the winter temps have returned, there is a huge pot of vegetable soup simmering on the stove.  There are bow ties, stars and HST's to be sewn, samplers to be stitched and rugs to be hooked.  And needlework shop owners are shopping at the TNNA Market.  New designs, linens, fibers and accessories will be available next weekend!


  1. I'm looking forward to the daffodils and crocus appearing in my gardens... but that won't be for another month.

  2. That's just the right amount of snow, if one is going to have any at all. lol! I'm like Laurie -- waiting for those daffodils and crocuses. Sigh.

  3. I remember those snows in Music City! Wishing for my daffodils and crocuses here...

  4. Corn snow! Perfect spring treat--and your garden will love the gentle moisture.

  5. Daffodils do make you smile :o))

    We have fields of them here in Cornwall as the farmers grow them for cutflowers.

  6. The daffodils look beautiful with the frosty touch. Wish I could grow spring flowers (or any) in this hardpan.
