Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Delightful image of cherry blossom

Spring officially began this morning at 6:02 am.  The good earth is coming back to life--Bradford Pears, Redbud, Forsythia, Flowering Quince, Saucer Magnolia, daffodils, crocus, snowdrops are all blooming.  (All this spring goodness has send AppleJacks allergies off the chart and to the doctor seeking relief). 

I am blaming the colder temps on the snowmen!  With the official start of spring, the snowmen are returning to the Northpole (aka storage closet) until the official start of winter.  The low temperature tonight is 25 and scattered snow showers are in the forecast.  Callie Mae says this is good snuggling weather.

Next Year is thriving with the cool nights and sunny days. 


  1. I'll take your low of 25 as we'll be dipping down into the low single digit. I'm so over winter.

  2. I think that we were in the single digits last night also and it's snowing a little as I speak. Spring doesn't seem to want to make an appearance this year!

  3. I wish spring would show up around here. Not a flower or bloom or even a peek of one in sight. Sigh. And too cold!!!
