Saturday, December 8, 2012

Lancaster Red, Linen, and Drama at Thistle Manor

Lancaster Red

I will have a photo to share tomorrow, I have finished stitching Valentine by The Primitive Hare.  The  Weeks Lancaster Red is just the perfect red for Valentine's, Merry Christmas and primitive lovers.


Grandmother Bessie always taught me to have a Plan B.  Plan B has been in overdrive with  the linen for Hannah Breed, my chosen sampler for Nicola's Year of red with the Scarlet Letter.  I had decided on using R & R Reproduction 18 Century Brown.  The piece of linen I had in my stash was not large enough.  I have burned the midnight oil searching the web for this linen.  I have made telephone calls coast to coast and north to south.  No luck.  Today while at the LNS, I picked up a fat quarter of 32 count Examplar by Lakeside Linen.  Unless I am able to local 18 Century Brown, Hannah will be stitched on the Examplar.  AppleJack is rolling his eyes at me and telling me I am over thinking.  

Drama at Thistle Manor

We have had some drama and excitement at Thistle Manor.  One of the many wonderful things AppleJack does is maintaining Thistle Manor.  He is very organized and methodical and with the change in seasons he goes through his maintenance check list.  As he was checking the heating system, he detected a problem with the thermostat.  The heating/cooling technician confirmed there was a problem.  After checking the outside heating unit, the technician told AppleJack we had a bigger more serious problem than the thermostat.  Carbon Monoxide gas was being leaked into the house!!!!  This kind of drama and excitement I can do without.  So. . .we are very thankful the problem was found.  Heating technicians will be installing a new unit on Monday.  


  1. Oh Betty that could have been lethal, someone was looking over and after you my friend.

    Do you have a carbon monoxide detector fitted?

  2. So glad that the leak was found and will be getting fixed!
    Have you tried calling Dyeing to Stitch in VA for the fabric. They are the home of R&R fabrics. So many designs call for their fabrics and it is makes it hard for the stitcher as they always seem hard to get/keep stocked.

  3. I'm glad the leak was detected before any harm came to you and Applejack. That's scary.

  4. A great reminder of why those seasonal checklists are so important; way to go Applejack!! Very happy to hear all is well.

  5. Oh my! do you have CO detectors in your house? That's so scary! Glad it was caught!

  6. So glad a disaster was averted!
