Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adam and Eve Wall

I have been giving thought to an Adam and Eve wall.  There are so many wonderful Adam and Eve walls:  Vonna, Margaret, and Laurie have awesome ones.  Debra at the Thread Gatherer has a wonderful Adam and Eve sampler by The City Stitcher.  Faye also has some great Adam and Eve pieces.  There are countless others and I am considering starting an Adam and Eve wall at Thistle Manor.  You see it's that snake thing.  Since finishing An All Was for An Appil and seeing all the great Adam and Eve walls I am working on my snake phobia.  I have a start:

An All Was For An Appil 
Scarlet Letter

Mary Corey
Threads of Gold

I think the snake is a punch needle design by Hooked on Rugs 

Adam and Eve
Remember the Ladies

In the Garden
La D Da

So. . . I have an Adam and Eve wall in the making!  All I need to do is some stitching, some framing and some hanging.  Famous last words:  "this shouldn't take long."


  1. You have a great start!! I'll root you on too. :D I just love A&E's.

  2. I have five A&E favs I want to stitch, but need to finish my HRH Christmas. Great start lady. Can't wait to see your wall. Keep on stitching.

  3. Great start on your wall--with your AAWFAA as the centerpiece! I hung my AAWFAA on the wall above the TV and my DH constantly tells me that it needs to be in a more prominent place. I have some of my A&Es on a wall in the hallway and hung a fraktur and a framed snake redware piece with them--you could add in your punch needle piece to your display!
