Saturday, February 4, 2012

Token of Love--Sheepish Designs

In 2004 Sheepish Design (Dawn Bradford) released her 111th exemplary called A Token of Love.  There are Quaker motifs and like the Token of Love stitched in memory of my Grandparents, I thought it would be fun to have something similar for AppleJack and me.

I moved to Music City in June 1987.  On my first day of work at my new job who walks into the office?  AppleJack.  We married October 1987.  Some people thought we were moving to fast.  Twenty five years later, we thought we each made a wise choice.


  1. Awww, so sweet! And a great match to the piece for your grandparents too!

  2. Love at first sight ! How wonderful. From your posts I think that you and Applejack and two hearts but one soul.
