Monday, February 27, 2012

Next Year's To Do List

The official beginning date for Spring 2012 is March 20.  Tennessee has had a very mild winter and in many ways it already feels like spring.  The daffodils are blooming, the robins are busy making nests and the weeds are growing!  Time for me to write my to do list for Next Year.

  1. Move the bird bath.  Yes, I know it is broken, but it has character.
  2. Mulch! Mulch! Mulch!
  3. Spray the roses before they get black spot
  4. Divide the day lilies, donate to Habitat for Humanity
  5. Scrub the terra cotta pots
  6. Give the lawn a weed and feed treatment
  7. Sharpen the lawn mower blade
  8. Feed the holly, roses, perennials, and hydrangea
  9. Plant ground cover
  10. Tie up the clematis and apply lime
  11. Add bone meal to the iris beds
  12. Pick up annuals from the garden center
  13. Remember to wear sunscreen and hat to protect against ultra violet sun rays
  14. Remind AppleJack to buy stock in Preem (we are making them a profitable company)
What's on your gardening list?

1 comment:

  1. Too many chores to list, gardening is like the laundry - never ending.
