Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Easy Stitching

The Goode Huswife
Currants Coxcomb and Rose
36 ct WDW Havana Linen (I think)
NPI silks

The polar vortex has made its way south.  Sunday afternoon I raked leaves in the sunshine with temps nearing the seventies, the high today is forecast near forty with temps dropping into the twenties tonight.  It is times like this when Miss Callie Mae and I find our warm blanket and snuggle comfortably into the stitch chair for some mindless television and stitching.

Currants, Coxcomb and Rose is an oldie but goodie from The Goode Huswife (the chart is marked 2001).  The model was stitched with Birds of a Feather Wren.  Two of my favorite things:  a Goode Huswife design and Birds of a Feather linen.

The five remaining spaces in the design will be filled with a fan/feather design.  I call these designs easy stitching or mindless stitching--a repetitive design using the same colors of fibers.  I haven't decided how to finish--a pincushion, a box top, a huswife? 



  1. This is pretty so far! Love that red! I'll enjoy seeing your progress on this and to see how you decide to finish it.

  2. Your stitching is lovely! Whatever way you decide to finish this piece, it will be a wonderful finish!

  3. What a pretty design! Try to stay warm.

  4. Your stitching looks great, can't wait to see it finished :D
    have a nice day xoxo
