Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Last Saturday was a perfect fall day--jacket weather in the early morning, followed by warm sunshine, cool breezes and beautiful blue skies.  With a change in seasons, came time for some changes at Thistle Manor.  It all starts so innocently.  You know "let's move this one piece of furniture."  Before you know it, seems every stick of furniture in the house is being moved!  We have more sore muscles, bruises and aching back than I care to acknowledge.  The dust bunnies were running for their very lives!  Callie Mae ran for cover and comfort to her condo, hoping against hope she was still going to have a home to call her own as the insane movers made trip after trip up and down the staircase.

We both agree change is a good thing and while we still have the same address and the same pieces of furniture, it feels very different.  We are still tweaking.  Relax Callie Mae, things will stay this way for a while--the movers have to recover.


  1. lol! Sounds like fun to me! It's fun to move things around for a change. Looks good from the picture!

  2. It is fun to move things around now and then. Poor Callie Mae probably thought she was going to be a "displaced kitty!"
    Take it easy for a few days!

  3. Hope you have recovered! Love the display in your picture!! And I hope poor Callie Mae has recovered as well!
