Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sarah's Spring Creek 1855

Presenting Sarah Miranda's Spring Creek.  Adapted from the Carriage House, Houses of Hawk Run Hollow specifically house #3.

There are several changes and modifications:

  1. The model was stitched on 40 count Pearled Barley from Lakeside Linen.  Sarah's Spring Creek is  stitched on 32 count mystery linen from Picture This Plus.
  2. NPI silks were used but there are subtle changes, a color value lighter or darker.  For example, the blue at the bottom is one value lighter, it reminds me of the blue haze which hangs over the Smokey Mountains.
  3. The words were changed from "when I am dead, and in my grave," to Spring Creek 1855.
  4. I am thinking about adding a ninth bird because Sarah Miranda had nine sons and there are only eight birds stitched.
  5. The outline has also been omitted.  Since I only stitched one house and not all twelve I did not feel the outline was necessary.
I am rethinking stitching the entire Houses of Hawk Run Hollow, each house is unique and a fun stitch.  Margaret is helping me put things into perspective.  She gave the following suggestion:  instead of looking at this stitch as a BAP think of it as twelve individual projects.  You get project gratification with the competition of each house.  Thank you Margaret, good suggestion.


  1. Oh it's wonderful!!! I love how you personalized it. You should add in that 9th bird for sure! And yes, you need to stitch the whole thing. 12 finishes! lol!

  2. Definitely add the ninth bird.Great job! And great advice from Margaret.
