Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shopping Solutions

AppleJack does not enjoy shopping.  Surprise! Are there any husbands/men out there who enjoy going shopping especially needlework shopping with their wives?  Thank goodness we were able to resolve this shopping dilemma early in our married life.  You see, AppleJack loves reading The Wall Street Journal.  He reads this newspaper from cover to cover, every article, every word.  He thinks this newspaper is the Holy Grail of newspapers.  So. . . when it is time to shop, I make sure The Wall Street Journal is packed.  Add a cup of coffee to this mix and we are both happy campers.  Shop owners are so surprised--AppleJack will find himself a chair and patiently wait, reading The Wall Street Journal and sipping on his coffee while I shop.

Margaret Cottam by La D Da has been added to my stitching inventory.  Grandmother Bessie had a sister  named Maggie (Margaret), after her Grandmother Margaret.  My brain cells have already kicked in and I have started thinking about ways I can modify Margaret Cottam and turn her into Margaret Cottam Thistle Manor version.  While shopping for Margaret I also picked up the Weeks linen 30 count Cocoa for this sampler.  Very nice!  Primitive--just the way I like it.

Also found these charms at Michael's.  I have no idea how I will use them, but am sure inspiration will hit.

1 comment:

  1. I love the seaside theme of the charms and Margaret Cottram will be a beautiful project to. Stitch. I love reading your posts as your love for Applejack shines through your words. How long have you been married.
